#LittleHouseOnTheRanch, Uncategorized

Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 25 The little ranch house’s first snow!

Hello friends! I'm writing to you today from our winter wonderland here in Southern Kentucky. We had a snowmagedden of about 3 inches! (Trust me, here in SOKY 3" of snow is crippling.) It is so beautiful. Everything looks prettier with a blanket of snow on it... including the #littlehouseontheranch. As a born and raised… Continue reading Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 25 The little ranch house’s first snow!

#LittleHouseOnTheRanch, Uncategorized

Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 14 “The Unicorn Stove Saga”

Have you all ever wanted something so bad you could taste it, and just when it's within reach it disappears? That's how I feel with my unicorn stove. Except I don't really want to taste the stove itself, I want to taste the delicious food I can make with said stove. But I digress. I… Continue reading Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 14 “The Unicorn Stove Saga”

#LittleHouseOnTheRanch, Uncategorized

Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 8 & 9

I had intended on starting this post with an inspiring window quote because we have windows on the house now. You know something about seeing a whole new world open to possibilities or lights through yonder windows and what not. But then when I punched "window quote" into the google the quote that really stuck… Continue reading Little House on the Ranch Update: Week 8 & 9